Category: Uncategorized

  • Self-Advice


    It’s so much easier to give advice than to receive it! I’m sure I’ve always known that, but lately it hits a little different. We recently moved our daughter to college. She’s only 2 1/2 hours away, yet it seems like she spent the summer saying goodbye to everyone she knows. I’ve been telling her…

  • The Words We Choose

    The Words We Choose

    Words have so much power. Have you ever felt a connection to a song because it seems to tell your story? Or read a poem that felt like it touched your soul? How about a book that lets you escape whatever reality exists around you? People can use words so carelessly. The worst part is,…

  • Proud


    The last several weeks I have spent a lot of time focusing on my daughter. We attended so many “last time” events to wrap up her senior year. She’s headed off to college in 1 month! It sounds so weird. She has accomplished so many things. She’s very smart, a good athlete, works hard, but…

  • Impasse


    It’s been a bit since my last post. I’ve been dealing with this exhausting fibro flare-up going on 8 weeks now. Work is about all I can manage lately. This has thrown me a little off track on my mission, but I’m definitely not done! As the flare-up starts to let go a little bit,…

  • Reflection


    The last several days I’ve been reflecting on a lot of things. I’ve reconnected with a couple old friends and spent some time hanging out with others. I knew I was missing those connections, but didn’t realize how close they always were. It was a really comforting surprise. This past weekend was great – my…

  • Distracted


    So, I never posted anything last week. Couldn’t really get my thoughts together. Not that it’s much better this week. Every day feels so distracting, like there’s so much stuff going on and I’m missing all the important stuff. And I am. In all the rush, I forgot to enjoy the moments watching my daughter…

  • Heartbroken


    What a roller coaster of a week! First, work has been crazy! Despite being a busier than normal week, we threw in a termination of a manager and an unexpected promotion for another one. Both are great decisions for the business. The whole environment already feels different. On top of all that, I got an…

  • I am lost.

    I am lost.

    I didn’t know I was lost until recently, but that realization has changed the way I think about everything. I have a crazy life. Home is high stress. Work is high stress. God forbid something causes them to overlap! I spend my whole day at work managing whatever fresh hell the new day brings, then…